Generally, from the moment you make a deposit, you start getting your rewards and by the end of 22 days, you would make 99% of your deposit after which you will you can start earning actual rewards
Here are the strategies you can consider for the Reward Capital project:
Withdraw Rewards Strategy: This strategy involves regularly withdrawing your earned rewards from the smart contract. By withdrawing your rewards, you can enjoy immediate access to the profits generated by your investment. This approach allows you to realize short-term gains and use the funds for other purposes or investments.
Compound Rewards Strategy: The compound rewards strategy involves reinvesting your earned rewards back into the smart contract. Instead of withdrawing the rewards, you leave them in the contract, allowing them to compound over time. Compounding refers to reinvesting the earned rewards to generate additional profits. This approach can lead to exponential growth of your initial investment, as the compounded rewards generate more rewards over time.
Both strategies have their advantages and considerations. The "Withdraw Rewards" strategy provides regular income and flexibility in using the funds, while the "Compound Rewards" strategy offers the potential for long-term exponential growth. The choice between the two strategies depends on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and financial needs.
It's important to note that the Reward Capital project provides you with the flexibility to switch between the two strategies at any time. This allows you to adapt your approach based on market conditions and your personal preferences. It's recommended to regularly review your investment strategy and make informed decisions based on your financial objectives.
Last updated